New Sacramento Regional Water Bank Video Series Explores Climate Change Adaptation by Regional Water Authority Dec 5, 2023 Member Submitted News SACRAMENTO, CA—The Regional Water Authority (RWA) is pleased to announce the release of a new video series designed to educate the public about the critical challenges facing the Sacramento region’s water system and the innovative solutions underway to secure a sustainable water future. The series, available at, includes four videos, each offering a unique perspective on the region’s water resources, the impact of climate change and adaptation through the Water Bank: “Our water supplies and the impact of climate change” sheds light on the Sacramento region’s water system envisioned a century ago and how it relies on three key reservoirs, including snowpack, Folsom Lake, and the groundwater aquifer. Viewers will learn about the significance of these water sources, the challenges posed by climate change, and potential adaptation through utilizing the groundwater aquifer as a water storage “bank.” Find the video here: “The reservoir under our feet” introduces viewers to the hidden world of groundwater aquifers beneath the Sacramento region. This video highlights the historical importance of groundwater, its recovery through effective management, and the concept of the Water Bank, likened to a savings account for water. Find the video here: “How the Water Bank works” delves into the operational mechanics of the Water Bank. It reveals how the system utilizes natural infrastructure—the region’s groundwater aquifers—and a network of groundwater wells, pumps, and pipes. The video outlines three primary methods for making deposits into the Water Bank and how withdrawals are made to supply water to homes and businesses. It also showcases the success of water banking and its potential to meet future water needs, even in the face of climate change. Find the video here: “Growing the Water Bank for local and statewide benefits” addresses the pressing need to adapt to changing weather patterns and water flow in the Sacramento region. This video outlines plans for a modern water system that balances surface water from lakes and rivers with groundwater from the local aquifers. It underscores the potential for expanding the Water Bank’s capacity and potential for far-reaching benefits in California. Find the video here: The Regional Water Authority invites everyone to explore these videos at Gain valuable insights into the challenges and solutions surrounding the Sacramento region’s water system and discover how you can get involved in shaping the Water Bank and contribute to a more secure and sustainable water future for the Sacramento region and California. The Regional Water Authority (RWA) is a joint powers authority representing nearly two dozen water providers serving 2.2 million people in the greater Sacramento region. Formed in 2001, its primary mission is to help its members protect and enhance the reliability, availability, affordability and quality of water resources. Learn more at