Boards, Committees and Task Forces

ACWA Board

ACWA is governed by a 37-member Board of Directors that includes representation from public member agencies throughout the state.

The Board is comprised of the association’s president and vice president, the chair and vice chair of each of ACWA’s 10 regions, the chair of each ACWA standing committee, the immediate past president, and the vice president of the ACWA Joint Powers Insurance Authority.

Board members serve two-year terms. Meetings are generally held bimonthly on the last Friday of the month to coincide with the annual schedule determined by the Board.

ACWA Committees

Becoming active on an ACWA committee is the most effective way for members to engage in state and local issues and influence policy and legislation. Committees are structured to include representation from all 10 ACWA Regions, bringing together diverse voices on technical and policy matters.

Committee members are appointed for two-year terms that begin on Jan. 1 of even-numbered years.


ACWA’s membership is organized into 10 hydrologic regions. The regional structure promotes grassroots activism by uniting members around geography and shared interests and challenges. Regions play an important role in supporting ACWA’s goals, engaging in local outreach efforts, and educating ACWA’s membership through tours and events. The elected chair and vice chair of each Region Board sit on the ACWA Board of Directors.

Region Boards

ACWA Region Boards are comprised of 5-7 members that serve for 2-year terms. Region Board terms begin on even numbered years with Region Elections taking place on odd numbered years. At the beginning of each Region Board term, an alternate region chair and vice chair are appointed.

Outreach Task Force

The Outreach Task Force helps guide ACWA’s Outreach Program, implements new policies, creates programs and resolves issues that arise during the two-year term. The Outreach Task Force is comprised of region appointed outreach captain(s), two at-large appointments, and two representatives from each of the following committees: Communications, Federal Affairs, Groundwater, Local Government, State Legislative, Water Management, Water Quality. Committee representatives as well as at-large representatives are appointed by the ACWA President.