SPEAKERS – LIVE Webinar (Oct. 11, 2023)

  • Oct 9, 2023


ACWA appreciates these speakers for sharing their time, expertise and insights on this topic.

Achieving Cr6 MCL Compliance — A Review of RCF Treatment Options


Rick Bacon
Aqua Metrology Systems

Prior to joining AMS as CEO in 2012, Rick held senior management and board level positions in the energy, industrial, technology, and water sectors. Rick, who has a keen interest in technology start-ups and innovation, has led AMS through their development and commercialization of online, real-time analytical and remediation solutions to predict, control and treat a range of contaminants in drinking water, process water and wastewater. Rick holds a degree in Land Economy from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom and a PhD from the University of California Santa Barbara.

Vladimir Dozortsev, PhD.
Senior Product Manager
Aqua Metrology Systems

Vladimir Dozortsev, PhD. is the Senior Product Manager for Aqua Metrology Systems. Dr. Vladmir Dozortsev holds PhDs in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. He is the author and co-author on numerous patents related to voltammetry-based analysis of trace metals and the in-situ generation and use of stannous and stannic oxide for trace metal remediation. He has published widely in these fields and his work has greatly influenced the development of cost-effective and environmentally sustainable online and trace metals analysis and treatment of trace metals for the water industry. Under his guidance, AMS has developed and commercialized both an online real-time analyzer for trace metals (Cr6 and total chromium included among others) and an in-situ stannous/stannic oxide generator technology for the remediation of Cr6 and arsenic in groundwater and wastewater.