House Holds Initial Hearings for 2022 WRDA; Secretary Crowfoot Testifies by ACWA Staff Feb 8, 2022 Water News WASHINGTON, D.C. – The House Transportation and Infrastructure, Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee held a stakeholder hearing today in preparation for the 2022 Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). This hearing comes after a similar hearing on Biden Administration priorities for the legislation held on Jan. 12. “This committee is successful because all of our members trust and recognize how critical the (Army Corps of Engineers’) work is to meet the unique water resource needs in our communities, and how important regular, predicable authorization of WRDA is to meet these needs,” Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee Chairwoman Grace Napolitano (D-CA) remarked. “However, as I noted at our last WRDA hearing in January, all of the projects and studies authorized in WRDAs need appropriated funds for communities to realize the full navigation, flood control, water supply and environmental benefits that these projects provide.” During today’s hearing, California Natural Resources Secretary Wade Crowfoot testified on the needs of the state as well as the safety and water supply challenges presented by “weather whiplash.” His full written testimony and the full hearing can be found on the Transportation and Infrastructure website. WRDA often features bipartisan support and has recently been regularly passed on a two-year cycle. These hearings have identified some of the opportunities the legislation may address, as well as challenges from previous year’s bills. ACWA looks forward to the development and passage of the 2022 WRDA over the coming months.