Key Water Bills Advance Out of Committees by ACWA Staff Mar 19, 2025 Water News SACRAMENTO — A bill co-sponsored by ACWA tightening penalties for water theft and a second bill proposing a low-income rate assistance program for water, on which ACWA is seeking amendments, passed out of committees today in the state Legislature. SB 394 (Allen) passed out of the Senate Local Government Committee with a 7-0 vote and was referred to Senate Judiciary Committee. Co-sponsored by ACWA and Las Virgenes Municipal Water District, the bill would allow local agencies providing water services to adopt an ordinance with enhanced penalties for water theft from a fire hydrant and help to address inefficiencies in current penalties. Dave Pedersen, General Manager at Las Virgenes Municipal Water District, provided lead testimony in support of the bill alongside Julia Hall, ACWA Director of State Legislative Relations. A fact sheet is available with more information about the bill. In February, ACWA sent a Legislative Alert urging members to join a coalition in support of SB 394. Member agencies can still join the coalition in time for the next support letter by completing an online form by March 24 at noon. A second bill, SB 350 (Durazo, D-Los Angeles) passed out of the Senate Environmental Quality Committee, which referred it to the Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee. The bill would require the State Water Resources Control Board to create a statewide low-income rate assistance (LIRA) program. ACWA believes a water and wastewater low-income rate assistance program — if designed in a reasonable, efficient and effective manner — is an appropriate approach. However, ACWA has an oppose-unless-amended position on the bill and is leading a coalition that seeks amendments to maximize the funding spent on direct assistance to ratepayers, enhance public process and reduce unreasonable burdens on water providers. ACWA Senior State Relations Advocate Soren Nelson reiterated those points during his testimony before the Senate Environmental Quality Committee. “ACWA is not philosophically opposed to a statewide program. In fact, quite the opposite,” Nelson said. A number of agencies and organizations within the coalition also added their support for ACWA’s position during the hearing. In March, ACWA submitted a letter outlining concerns with SB 350 and also distributed a Legislative Alert urging members to join the oppose-unless-amended coalition. Members can still join the coalition by completing an online form.