Yuba Water Funds Feather River Levee Improvements North of Marysville by Yuba Water Agency Nov 8, 2023 Member Submitted News Yuba Water Agency recently committed an additional $1 million grant to further strengthen a levee on the east bank of the Feather River in Reclamation District 10 north of Marysville. “As we head into what is projected to be another wet winter, I can’t think of anything more important for our agency than to continue to shore up our levee system to reduce flood risk for our communities,” said Charlie Mathews, Yuba Water’s board director representing the northern Yuba County area. The funds will be used to complete the construction of an elevated access road on the land side toe of the levee along the Feather River in Yuba County. A levee toe is the edge of the levee where the base meets the natural ground. The latest improvements will focus on increasing access for maintenance, inspections and flood fight operations during high water events, increased embankment stability and reducing the risk of levee failure from underseepage. Yuba Water previously committed $2.3 million to help the district reinforce the levee. The work is expected to be complete later this month. Reclamation District 10 is a mostly rural levee district that includes approximately 12,000 acres of land and 23 miles of levees. Visit yubawater.org to learn more about our commitment to reducing flood risk in Yuba County.