Beyond the Brink: California’s Watershed

  • Oct 11, 2019
  • Member Tools

ACWA has co-sponsored a new educational video, “Beyond the Brink: California’s Watershed” to highlight the importance of headwaters and watershed management. The 26-minute video is produced by Jim Thebaut and The Chronicles Group and is a collaboration with several entities dedicated to improving the health of California’s forested watersheds.

Headwaters serve an important role in California’s water management system. Healthy forests have multiple benefits, including increased water supply reliability, improved water quality, reduced impacts from catastrophic wildfires, increased renewable energy supplies, improved response to climate change and enhanced habitat.

ACWA members are encouraged to use the video to help educate customers, elected officials and other stakeholders about this important issue. Links to the full version video and promo (60) are now available below. Click on the title of the video below and it will take you to ACWA’s Vimeo website where they can be downloaded.

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