Comment Letter: Support of Proposed Amendment to Rule 1470 and Proposed New Rule 118.1 Jul 29, 2021 Comment Letters To: Ms. Susan Nakamura, Assistant Deputy Executive Officer, South Coast Air Quality Management District Subject: Support of Proposed Amendment to Rule 1470 and Proposed New Rule 118.1 Letter excerpt: CMUA and ACWA are grateful that SCAQMD has actively included our input in the process to amend Rule 1470 and develop proposed new Rule 118.1. Our members value the transparency that SCAQMD exemplified during this process. We write to express support for the proposed amendment to Rule 1470 and proposed new Rule 118.1. The proposal provides additional flexibility for the essential operation, maintenance, and testing of emergency backup generators, while ensuring the protection of the region’s air resources. We additionally offer a few suggestions that could help clarify the scope of the proposed amended rule and new rule. Download Comment Letter