Comments on 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan

  • Apr 10, 2017
  • Comment Letters

Agency: California Air Resources Board

Subject: Association of California Water Agencies’ Comments on the 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan

Letter excerpt:

ACWA agrees with the concepts outlined on page 124 of the Plan Update regarding the importance of water to human health, the economy and the environment, and the important role that local water agencies play in delivering water to communities, farms and businesses. To underscore the fact that water agencies must first meeting their obligations to maintain a safe, reliable water supply, ACWA recommends moving the following text from page 126 to the opening paragraph of the water sector section on page 124:

“While it is important for every sector to contribute to the State’s climate goals, ensuring universal access to clean water as outlined in AB 685 (Eng, Chapter 524, Statutes of 2012), also known as the “human right to water” bill, should take precedence over achieving GHG emission reductions from water sector activities where a potential conflict exists. AB 685 states that it is the policy of the State that “every human being has the right to safe, clean, affordable, and accessible water adequate for human consumption, cooking, and sanitary purposes.” As described in this section, water supplies vary in energy intensity and resulting GHGs due to the source of the water, treatment requirements, and location of the end user.”

ACWA would like to emphasize that numerous factors are considered when water agencies secure water supplies. Quality, availability, and cost are all important factors that must be considered when ensuring a reliable water supply that meets all public health standards. While a particular source might require less energy for conveyance, it could be affected by a water quality issue that would require expensive and energy-intensive treatment, or may not be consistently available. Ultimately, safety and reliability must be the highest priorities for water agencies in securing their water supplies.

Download ACWA’s comment letter

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