Petition to the California Fish and Game Commission for a Regulation Change Regarding the Striped Bass Slot Limit Aug 24, 2023 Comment Letters Agency: California Fish and Game Commission Subject: Petition to the California Fish and Game Commission for a Regulation Change Regarding the Striped Bass Slot Limit (Petition Tracking Number 2022-12) Letter excerpt: We are writing on behalf of a coalition of water agencies and associations and farming associations (“water and farming coalition”) to voice our concerns regarding Petition 2022-12 (“Striped Bass Petition” or “Petition”). This water and farming coalition opposes the proposed change to regulations, which would benefit the non-native striped bass at the expense of vulnerable native fish. The water and farming coalition represents urban and rural water agencies statewide and the Central Valley’s farming community. The water and farming coalition is very concerned about the Striped Bass Petition, because a regulatory change to promote the abundance of this non-native species can be expected to harm native fish and is contrary to State (and federal) law and policy. This letter begins by explaining the contents of the petition and the history of the striped bass in the Bay-Delta estuary. It then lays out the scientific and legal arguments against the proposed regulatory change. Download Comment Letter